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Dangerous Cargo


The film is about three naval officers—British, French and German—who cooperate to save a neutral ship in distress. The Hays Office, which was the organisation that enforced the censorship codes for Hollywood films, objected to the original title of Hell’s Cargo. Therefore, the film was retitled as Dangerous Cargo. The film was directed by Harold Huth and starring Walter Rilla, Kim Peacock and Robert Newton.


Dangerous Cargo (1939) is based on a novel by Roger Vercel, who was inspired by the real-life events of the rescue of the SS Florida by the French cruiser Jean Bart in 1936. 


  • Roger Vercel was a French writer who wrote many novels, mostly about the sea and marine life. For example, Capitaine Conan (1934) won the Prix Goncourt. He is also known for Remorques (1935), La Caravane de Pâques (1948), and La Fosse aux vents (1949-1953).


Dangrous Cargo is a British remake of the French film Alert of the Mediterranean, which won the Grand Prix du Cinéma Français for best French film.


Starring Robert Newton


  • Robert Newton was best known for his portrayal of Long John Silver in Treasure Island (1950) and Blackbeard the Pirate (1952). Both films share sea themes. 


  • Robert Newton is also known for popularising the pirate accent and being the first example this genre. His accent became the standard for screen pirates, and influenced many actors and fans who imitated his speech. He is also the “patron saint” of the annual International Talk Like a Pirate Day, which celebrates the pirate culture and language.

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